Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Joy of Chaos

Having three boys at home is not easy. I have an eight-year-old a 5 1/2 year-old and a one half year old. They are pretty amazing boys but they're challenging nonetheless. And each one has their own personality as well. This presents its own challenges. Although I will be talking about some of the challenges in upcoming posts this post I want to talk about the joy of being a parent.

Life is never boring when you have kids. There is always something to do, always something to clean, always something to read, something to throw and always something to catch.

Having kids means there's always an exciting greeting when you walk in the door. There's always someone to hug you when you need a hug and always someone to hug when you feel like hugging someone. There is always someone there to smile at you even when your day is not going that well. It's a good thing they don't understand the stresses of the world.

The best thing is when you're putting them to sleep last thing that comes out of their mouth is I love you daddy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Reform future expenses

With The Health Care Reform being passed, dads are seeking ways to create secondary incomes to secure their financial future.  The American people didn't want it because even though it sounds like a good idea to give people health insurance who did not have it, it's the American people who will have to front the money.

These last few days have been pretty stressful for people watching this bill.  The main concern is income.  Taxes will be raised, premiums will be raised, co-pays will be raised, and anyone who needs or will need medical treatment will suffer financial losses. 

  Smart Dads are now scurrying to find ways to build a second income to help pay for rising costs in America and are also looking for ways to stay as healthy as possible.  The key to beating the system is ensuring your health stays well and your pocketbooks stay full for you will have much more out of pocket expenses.

Thousands and Thousands of people are seeking creative ways to survive this health care reform and many more people are just going to ride the wave until they need to deal with it.  Companies like GBG who offer a supplemental income and a health product are now becoming one of the fastest growing home business choices in the nation.

There are many ways to supplement your income, but please do not get a second job!  Dad, This will pay you minimum wages and take you away from your family.  Research to create second incomes with companies like GBG who have a simple system that could generate you residual supplemental income to cover any future expenses you may incur with future health care costs. 

When looking for an at home businesses to generate second incomes, look for a company that has a product that everyone needs, anyone can afford (preferably FREE Business and marketing tools), and a simple duplicate-able business system (you promote the product, the company incurs all the risk and back office stuff).   Wouldn't it be great to secure a residual income that you can pass on to your kids, and their kids, etc.   Create your legacy today and bypass the financial hardships many families may have with this health care reform bill.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Storm Drain Miracle

A typical Saturday for Dad almost turned our life upside down.  Saturday is when I usually hang out with the kids.  I wanted to visit Pop Pop (Matt and Zach;s grandpa) so we drove out to his house in Montclair and parked on the street next to this typical grated storm drain.  We all had a great time at Pop pop's house talking, playing the Wii, Eating, and just really enjoying the family but the grandparents had to leave so it was time to take the kids to the local park.

We got to my car and I opened the door and told Zach to stay on the sidewalk.  I put Matthew in the car seat and then I heard Zach's voice say.... "Daddy, I can almost fit in here".    I looked over and he was sitting on the grate with his 2 feet dangling inside the storm drain opening. I ran over and grabbed him and cried as I know that if he fell, there was no way of getting him out. 

I hugged him so much and told him that we can't go near those drains....ever.  He was smart enough to check with me as he sometimes does before he does something. But what if he didn't.  That's the scary part.  God was with him and I thank God everyday for every single moment we have with our kids because we don't know when it may be our last.

I know sometimes, we as parents sound like broken records, always reminding our children what they should and shouldn't do. When is it enough?  Never.  It's our voices that they hear when they are about to do something.  It is our voice that makes them think about doing the right thing.

Words echo in our own heads from our parents that have kept us safe from the unknown.  We have to keep doing the right thing, communicating to our children daily, remind them how much we love them, and remember that when things get rough with your children, it would be much worse without them.

Please share with me at Dads Talk Radio by commenting or emailing me at emorysfall@aol.com....your experiences to help other parents think about dangers that should be more aware of.  I would like to present these in my next podcast next week.. You could help save a child's life.

God Bless you and remember to give your kids a big hug when you get home tonight!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Episode 6: Sharper Listening Skills

DTR reminds parents how important it is to put other things aside and listen when our children speak to us.  DTR also gives tips on how our children can more effectively listen to our instructions.