Saturday, February 13, 2010

Parenting Tip

Today's Parenting Tip:

When Your child begins to get stubborn and whining about not getting what they want, divert the attention to something else. Tell them that you understand how they feel but that's the way it is. THEN change the subject.

(we were looking at houses and checking out the basement of a particular house).

Daddy: "Hey Zach, I know you wanted to walk down those steep steps by yourself but daddy had to carry you down to keep you safe."
Zach: "I WANTED TO WALK DOWN!!!!". ($%%^&$@#%^$$^^&&*&^.....him throwing a fit)
Daddy: "I understand that but Daddy wants to make sure you are safe, and it wouldn't be safe if you walked down without my help"

OF Course, LOGIC does not apply to a 3 1/2 year old so instead of me arguing with him and telling him to stop whining and stop throwing a tantrum.

Daddy "Hey Zach, I think I hear a mouse over there." "Hey, Look over there"
Zach: "There's no mouse".
Daddy "Really?, Let's go see."
Zach: "Ok"

Problem Solved.

Keep your eyes on this blog for more Effective Parenting Tips!

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